Sunday, May 6, 2012

First 4 months of 2012

Well...Things have gone crazy in my life the last 4 months...hence why I haven't posted since like New Years. I passed my tax exam back in December of 2011, so from January until April, I worked for H&R Block out of Gibson on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays. I did that AFTER I got off work from Fairview Haven at 2, so some days I was doing 12-14 hours of work. On top of doing taxes, I was also taking classes for my CNA license. I was taking classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so all-in-all, I had no life for the last 4 months. Well, I am now done with taxes until November, and as of this past Thursday, I have completed my CNA class and I passed with flying colors. With the last year being up in the air for my life, I have seemed to acquire 2 new licenses and started to get my life back on track. Has it been a struggle...oh hell yes!!! But, I'm a very determined person. Things might knock me down for a while, but I have always learned to bounce back up.  With taking all these classes as well as having 2 jobs, I also was more or less forced into moving this past January too. So, as you can see, my life was very hectic for a long time! LOL!

I must say...I have some of the greatest friends in the world who have stood behind me and given me unconditional support as I pieced my life back together and tried to improve my life for me. First and foremost...Amanda. I know I was probably stressed, tired, angry, and many other emotions at times, but she stood beside me like only best friends know how.  I think she dealt with me pretty well. She encouraged me and CONSTANTLY reminded me that it would be over come the end of April! Then there's Niki...whenever I needed to call someone to just talk to or vent to, she is always there. She was always wishing me good luck when I was stressing over class and just being crazy. She'd always tell me to take a deep breathe...well if you know me, that is easier said than done, but it worked. These 2 are truly rocks in my life!!! I had many co-workers encouraging me and telling me that I was going to do awesome as well and told me I would be a great CNA...hence why I took the class to get my license. It is always nice having people believe in you and stand behind you.

Other than that...not much has happened in my life. Obviously, there wasn't much time outside of the 2 jobs and class to have much happen! LOL! There is no new guy so far...have I had interests, of course! I'm human! lol! But, we shall see what the next couple of months bring. Until then...

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Beginnings

It is now 2012...I've looked forward to it being a new year for some time now. 2011 was not the best year for me. To losing my job at Project Oz to many other heart aches throughout the year. Many people always say..."just wait, next year will be better." For me, I truly have to believe that this year will be better than last year!!! I know this year, I am in a wedding, so the next 8-9 months will consist of doing lots of wedding planning with Niki. Plus, my love of racing is still in full effect!

The year (even though it has been 2 days) started off with many adventures. I'm just thankful that I got to kick off the new year with some great friends...especially my best friend Amanda. I can definitely say this was one of the more interesting New Years in a LONG time! LOL!

For New Years this year, I'm saying that I am going to do one good dead a day for someone else. 
That is my goal that I set for myself. Most people say...oh, I'm going to lose weight, or I'm going to stop smoking. Those are just too common for me. Sure, I plan to lose weight this year. However, I wanted to do something different. So, that is my plan as of right now. I also plan to spend more time with friends. The last couple of months, I've been caught up in many things, so I'm going to try to make more time and more of an effort. Sure, they need to make an effort too, but so do I.

I still have no idea where life is going to take me this year, but I'm crossing my fingers and praying that something good comes along soon!

Until next time...